Program Overview

Mode of delivery and schedule

In person

From Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (25 hours/week – on site)

Duration and dates

1110 h over 12 months

Start date: Winter 2025

End date: Winter 2026

Information sessions: To be determined




Information session

Attending an information session is mandatory. Please click the “Attend an information session” button below to put yourself on our contact list.


The Virtual Reality Production Specialist program aims to train individuals to be able to perform their tasks as specialists in a variety of media-related industries, and industries using extended reality, including hospitals, factories, social services, training institutions, publishing houses, and the tourism industry.

Graduates of the program are both specialists in extended reality, in addition to being versatile in performing their work tasks, as the program develops both general and technical competencies, allowing graduates to work autonomously and adapt to a constantly evolving industry.

This program has three goals:   To produce specialists in extended reality, including VR and AR:

  • Who are “full-stack” developers, possessing both a mastery of relevant programming languages (back-end) as well as advanced efficacy in graphic design and 3D animation (front-end).
  • Who are highly knowledgeable about various contemporary XR technologies and their impending evolution and development.
  • To produce specialists in extended reality, including VR and AR, who can work in a variety of media-related industries such as game design studios, educational institutions, industrial manufacturers, media companies, advertising, etc.


The Virtual & Augmented Reality AEC Program (NTL.1K) consists of fifteen (15) credit courses, for a total of 1110 hours.

420-001-LA Introduction to Extended Reality Technologies – 45 hours

This course provides students with an opportunity to examine and analyze the current trends in the extended reality industries, the various technologies in use, and major players, and how the development pipeline works. Students will explore the main headsets and applications in use from a user perspective, examine the tasks carried out in the industry, main tools for organizing work, and to plan to carry out work in the field

420-002-LA Programming for Extended Reality 1 – 90 hours

This course provides students with an introduction to basic coding procedures and algorithmic problem-solving approaches as they apply to the development of interactive media, software, and immersive technology applications. Using a project-based approach, students will develop an understanding of encoding standards, debugging procedures, and scripting approaches through authentic case studies and development projects. Through the analysis, revision, and production of code, students will implement solutions to solve the issues presented in these case studies and use foundational programming skills to generate content for XR. Students will examine the connection between algorithms and extended reality content.

574-001-LA Conceptualization for Extended Reality – 60 hours

This course introduces students to scriptwriting and storyboarding as they apply to extended reality content. The development of extended reality content requires a strong conceptual foundation that is initially produced through scriptwriting, storyboarding, and concept sketches. Students will develop these skills through practice in a project-based approach

574-222-LA Immersive 3D Architecture – 90 hours

This course provides students with an introduction and practice in the design and development of 3D environments and architecture. Using a project-based approach, students will learn to produce computer generated images, and 3D objects and environments for use in immersive content. Students will assemble these elements into functional immersive 3D environments.

589-1V1-LA 360 Degree Video Production – 90 hours

This course provides students with an introduction and ample practice in video and audio capture for 360º immersive video and XR productions. Using a project-based approach, students will learn to set up 360º camera arrays, consider points of view and dead angles, and stitch and produce finished videos. Students will also record, master, and edit binaural sound recordings and productions. Students will produce a short 360º video that will be presented to and experienced and assessed by their peers.

420-143-LA Programming for Extended Reality 2 –90 hours

This course is offered in the second semester and permits students to develop in-depth skills using the Unity game engine. Students apply skills in relevant programming languages in the Unity engine to produce an authentic XR project. This course gives students ample practice using Unity and introduces them to advanced Unity features and basic programming skills.

574-133-LA UX/UI for Extended Reality – 60 hours

This course provides students with an opportunity to examine user experience and user interface of XR productions from both a development and user perspective. Through in-depth analyses of existing immersive experiences, students will develop an ability to analyze productions in their efficacy in relation to human perception. Students will also learn to integrate this type of consideration into their planning for a development project, considering such notions as VR ergonomics and interface design. Students will design and deploy a basic prototype for an XR production and gather user feedback.

574-334-LA Experiential 3D Animation – 90 hours

This course provides students with in-depth skills and practice in the design and development of 3D characters, animations, and digital visual special effects. Use a workshop and project-based approach, students will learn to represent movement in 3D, design, and animate 3D objects, and become adept in the use of 3D design software

420-154-LA Software Development Kits & Hardware – 60 hours

This course provides students with an in-depth analysis of proprietary software development kits (SDKs) in immersive technologies such as VR and AR, and their associated technologies. This course aims to prepare students to enter the field of immersive content development properly equipped with the knowledge of procedures, notions, and technologies that are central to the distribution and use of immersive experiences. Through in-class experiences and direct manipulation of various technologies, students will gain in-depth insight into the pros and cons of each available SDK.

589-2V2-LA Planning and Managing Extended Reality Projects – 60 hours

This course allows students to begin the creation of an original production, to be uploaded and shared through their choice of SDK. Students are tasked with researching possible type of productions, selection an option from VR, AR, MR, 360 º, etc. Students will contribute to individual and collective production of content and will learn and apply supervision techniques to oversee the planning and production. Students will examine approach the production of content from a project management perspective.

420-305-LA Programming for Extended Reality 3 – 90 hours

This course provides students with an in-depth analysis of the relevant programming languages and use of the Unreal development engine.  Using a project-based approach, students will have the opportunity to produce an XR simulation through object-oriented programming using the Unreal engine.

574-325-LA Post-Production for Extended Reality – 60 hours

This course provides students with an in-depth practical workshop in the design and development of special effects, video stitching & editing, sound design and mixing as well as other after effects such as texturing. Using a project-based approach, students will add after effects to previous extended reality projects. Students will plan and oversee post-production activities, and will produce a production report. Students will edit and polish content to complete the project development cycle

589-3V3-LA Portfolio: Production & Presentation – 60 hours

This course allows students to implement the planning skills acquired in previous courses, to produce and present a selected project. Working with their storyboards and selected technologies, students will produce a final product in extended reality and deploy it through the appropriate SDK. The final presentation of their development project will be done through the actual experience using the appropriate technologies. Peers will experience the production and provide the student developer with feedback on all relevant aspects of the production, from technical to aesthetic.

589-4V3-LA Managing Professional Activities – 45 hours

This course provides students with an introduction to the laws and financial activities related to conducting work as a freelance or autonomous worker. Students examine skills and opportunities to develop their professional network in the industry, how to create and distribute promotional information about their services, and strategies to determine and approach potential clients.

574-516-LA Internship in Extended Reality – 120 hours

This course takes the form of either a 120-hour internship or a contractual development project with an interested third party. Students will have the choice to either pursue an internship with a relevant company and complete 120 hours of professional work or produce an interactive experience as entrepreneurs for a specific client with approximately the same time requirement. Students are thus tasked with approaching companies for possible internships and/or offering companies and individuals their services in developing an immersive experience or tool.

Admission Requirements

There are ministerial requirements and there might be specific requirements for each program. Please make sure to check all of them.

Please note that Applicants will also be asked to provide proof of one of the following:

  • Canadian Citizenship
  • Permanent Residency
  • Permanent refugee status (must hold a valid study permit)
  • Valid Student Visa

Ministerial Requirements

Applicants must have a Secondary V diploma or equivalent or have acquired knowledge and skills deemed sufficient by the College for potential success in the program.  More specifically, they must show proof of:

  • A Diploma of High School Studies OR
  • A College Diploma or a University Degree OR
  • A partial high school program, coupled with a recommendation from a current or former employer that you would benefit from pursuing your education at the post-secondary level.


The applicant must meet one of the following requirements:

  • have interrupted studying full-time for at least two consecutive terms or one school year OR
  • be covered under an agreement between the college and an employer, or be benefiting from a government program OR
  • have completed at least one year of post-secondary studies over a period of one year or more OR
  • hold a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS/DEP)

Program Specific Requirements

To be admissible to this program, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Proof of having completed one of the high-school math: Math TS4, Math SN4 or Math CST5
  • Applicants will be asked to submit their curriculum vitae (CV) and may be interviewed for English-language ability
  • Submitting a portfolio of relevant professional work is encouraged, especially in cases in which candidates have already worked in related industries
  • Candidates may be required to take an appropriate remedial course(s)

Although not an admission requirement, please see the new French-language requirements for certification for AEC programs in English.

How to Apply

The steps to apply are as follows.

1. Attend an information session

The first step in the application process is to sign up for an information session. You can do that by clicking the “Attend an information session” button and completing the form that follows. During the information session, the pedagogical counsellor will explain the admission requirements, application process, and the functioning of the program in detail.

2. Submit an application for admission

After attending an information session, you will receive a link via email to access the Omnivox online application for Champlain Saint-Lambert.  Once you have accessed Omnivox, click the “Submit an Application for Admission” button to begin your application. Select the semester the program begins in, the Pathway (Continuing Education or RAC), and the program you are applying to. You will be asked to indicate your Quebec residency status. Follow the instructions that appear and provide the requested information to complete your application.

3. Upload all the required documents

You will be asked during the online application process to upload the following required documents.

Proof of residency documents, based on your status:

  • Québec birth certificate OR
  • Canadian birth certificate AND a valid Quebec RAMQ card OR
  • Canadian citizenship card/certificate AND a valid Quebec RAMQ Card OR
  • Permanent resident card AND a CSQ (Certificate of Selection of Quebec) or a valid Quebec RAMQ card in the event that you did not receive a CSQ

Schooling documents:

  • Secondary school, college, or university certificates AND
  • Transcripts for the highest level of schooling completed AND
  • Any other certifications relevant to the program.

4. Await the admission verdict

Once all required documents have been submitted, our team will contact you to schedule the admissions tests if there are any for the program you choose. Once you have completed the admissions tests, no further action is required on your part. The admissions team will review your application and will contact you by email once a decision has been made. We will also contact you by email if any additional information or documents are needed to make the admissions decision.

If you have any questions after submitting your application and documents, please do not hesitate to contact the Continuing Education department or the administrative support staff dedicated to the program.


For more information on the fees for residents and non-residents of Québec and international students, please click here.

Contact Us

Continuing Education – F-151
Champlain College Saint-Lambert
900 Riverside Drive
Saint-Lambert, Québec
J4P 3P2

